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2 min read

Online & Disability Confident

People sometimes ask me, ’ What kind of agency is SM2Communicate?’ And I say, ‘It’s an agency which recognizes the individuality of each person and...

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2 min read

SM2Communicate Partners with HubSpot as one of their UK Partners

Back in August 2020, we announced on social media that we had partnered with HubSpot as one of their UK Solution Partners. Hubspot is a...

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2 min read

The Importance of Emotional Connection in Digital Marketing Delivery

The world of digital marketing is evolving, as brand owners continue to place an increasing emphasis on the importance of emotional connection over...

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2 min read

How to get your content seen online during COVID-19

Digital Business Continuity to help you stay connected to your customers. Getting your business visible online can, if you are not used to having...

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1 min read

Networking Award for Dawn-Louise of #HertsHour

Dawn-Louise Kerr, owner and the brains behind #HertsHour was a finalist in the Best Networker category of the local Best Businesswoman Awards this...

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1 min read

Steal Every Opportunity

What does SEO stand for?

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3 min read

Coffee with Dawn-Louise Kerr

Our CEO, Dawn-Louise Kerr was a Board member of City Women Network in London and was invited to sit down and have a coffee with Jane from their comms...

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2 min read

Reliable Marketing = Trust

In the ever-changing world of digital and social media, you have to "keep it real". Agencies are made up of human beings as are our clients, and the...

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1 min read

Happy Holidays: Social Media Out of Office

With the festive season upon us, how many of you remember to put your "out of office" on across your various social media channels?

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1 min read

Is your Social Media taking off like a firework?

Remember, remember the 5th of November….., what comes next in the rhyme? Isn’t it funny how certain phrases, or words make you instantly recall a...

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